Nintendo DS Cart Whitelist

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Revision as of 05:10, 25 September 2022 by Hallowizer (talk | contribs) (→‎Header Structure: 0x04 is an RSA signature)
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The Nintendo DS Cart Whitelist is a system title (HNHA / 0003000f484e4841) on DSi and 3DS TWL_MODE that contains a list of whitelisted DS carts. Other carts can be loaded if they have a valid RSA signature, which is how newer DS games load on DSi systems.

Basic File Structure

The file consists in one header, a list of titles and a footer. Note: this page only covers the initial versions of the whitelist. Later versions also have NDHX and NDHI sections and have footer differences.

Header Structure

The header is 136 bytes.

Start Length Description
0x00 4 An ID (NDHT)
0x04 0x80 RSA signature of the entire NDHT section below this point.
0x84 4 Number of titles in NDHT section

Title Structure

A title is 48 bytes.

Start Length Description
0x00 4 ROM serial
0x04 4 ROM revision
0x08 20 The first SHA-1 sum
0x1C 20 The second SHA-1 sum

Footer Structure

The footer is 24 bytes.

Start Length Description
0x00 24 Unknown