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Hi there. Obviously, my username is darksamus. I'm a big fan of Team Twiizers' work on the Wii (and what is to come for the DSi), as well as homebrew in general on the DS and Wii.

I have a DSphat (from a month or two after the DSphat debuted), a Frankenstein-ed DSlite (tried to replace the black factory case with a Ghost brand transparent case. Looks great, but the case was cheap and developed cracks way too easily, the bottom screen now does not detect touch, and the top screen's relay cable was impossible for me to reinsert properly so it only shows a tearing picture), and a Wii (also from a month or two after launch, running 3.3U I think...). All three have been homebrewed.

Shout out to Dragonminded for DragonMedia Player and DSOrganize, both of which are some of the best pieces of homebrew out there (if only he would start releasing new versions of either again).