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  • Log in to the wiki. Editing is disabled if you don't have an account.
  • Add the news event to the top of the list, using this format for the date: '''28 September 24''' . Please include the application's creator, version number, and a link to a page on DSiBrew about the application. No external links please.
  • Move the last entry to the news archive. There should be no more than 4 entrees in the list.


For older news, see the news archive.


  • 24 March 11 An updated USA Sudoku was released, which fixed all Sudoku string bugs.
  • 28 January 11 19 and 24 hours after the Sudokuhax release Nintendo removed EA's Sudoku from the EUR/AU and USA DSi Shop.
  • 27 January 11 Team Twiizers released DSiWare exploit Sudokuhax, loads full DSi-mode homebrew from SD card.
  • 14 January 11 The DSi Common key has been disclosed to the public. Please do not post it here.