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(P16 pinout)
(→‎UTL-CPU-01 testpoints: clarify camera stuff)
Line 666: Line 666:
| LCD controller Vsync?
| TP144
| TP144
Line 676: Line 676:
| LCD controller ?
| TP146
| TP146
| LS
| LS
| LCD controller Hsync?
| TP147
| TP147
| LCD controller ?
| TP148
| TP148
| dot clock
| LCD controller dot clock
| TP149
| TP149
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| camera reset signal
| Camera reset signal
| TP150
| TP150
Line 708: Line 708:
| CAM_D4
| CAM_D4
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| camera parallell port (conn. thru RA7, 270Ω)
| Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA7, 270Ω)
| TP153
| TP153
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| horizontal sync/blank (conn. thru R133, 0Ω)
| Camera horizontal sync/blank (conn. thru R133, 0Ω) (Aptina MT9V133-D LINE_VALID, active-low)
| TP154
| TP154
| CAM_D3
| CAM_D3
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| camera parallell port (conn. thru RA6, 270Ω)
| Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA6, 270Ω)
| TP155
| TP155
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| vertical sync/blank (conn. thru R132, 0Ω)
| Camera vertical sync/blank (conn. thru R132, 0Ω) (Aptina MT9V133-D FRAME_VALID, active-low)
| TP156
| TP156
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| camera clock something?
| Camera clock something? (Aptina MT9V133-D EXTCLK? PIXCLK?)
| TP157
| TP157
| CAM_D2
| CAM_D2
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| camera parallell port (conn. thru RA6, 270Ω)
| Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA6, 270Ω)
| TP158
| TP158
| CAM_D7
| CAM_D7
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| camera parallell port (conn. thru RA7, 270Ω)
| Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA7, 270Ω)
| TP159
| TP159
| CAM_D1
| CAM_D1
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| camera parallell port (conn. thru RA6, 270Ω)
| Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA6, 270Ω)
| TP160
| TP160
Line 768: Line 768:
| CAM_D6
| CAM_D6
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| camera parallell port (conn. thru RA7, 270Ω)
| Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA7, 270Ω)
| TP165
| TP165
| CAM_D0
| CAM_D0
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| camera parallell port (conn. thru RA6, 270Ω)
| Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA6, 270Ω)
| TP166
| TP166
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| camera (conn. thru R100, 100Ω)
| Camera (conn. thru R100, 100Ω) (Aptina MT9V133-D EXTCLK? PIXCLK?)
| TP167
| TP167
| CAM_D5
| CAM_D5
| 1V8?
| 1V8?
| camera parallell port (conn. thru RA7, 270Ω)
| Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA7, 270Ω)
| TP168
| TP168
| VDD28
| VDD28
| 2.8V power rail
| 2.8V power rail
| Only used by the camera. Generated by an LDO (U12) from VDD33
| Only used by the camera. Generated by an LDO (U12) from VDD33 (Aptina MT9V133-D analog power rail?)
! scope="row" colspan="4" | (TP169 doesn't exist)
! scope="row" colspan="4" | (TP169 doesn't exist)

Revision as of 17:37, 13 August 2023

UTL-CPU-01 testpoints

number name (TWL testpoint) voltage standard comment
TP2 VIN ~5V DC External charger power input
TP3 Rosc ? ?
TP4 RICHG? ? Recharge?
TP5 GND (GND) ground (near external charger connector)
TP6 V12 1.2V power rail CPU-TWL core voltage
TP7 BT+ battery + at 2-pin power connector to UTL-SUB-01
TP8 VDET- ? ?
TP9 DET ? ?
TP10 V18 1.8V power rail Various I/O and core voltage (incl. RTC)
TP11 ? ? something charging?
TP12 VDD10? 10V power rail For LCDs
TP13 VDD33 3.3V power rail Various I/O and core voltage
TP14 GND (GND) ground (near PMIC)
TP15 B+ ? battery + ?
TP16 VDD-5? -5V power rail For LCDs
TP17 PVDD ? ?
TP18 VDD5? 5V power rail For LCDs
TP19 ? ? (to R7 or R104)
TP20 BLA1 ? backlight anode for lower screen
TP21 ? ? (to D6)
TP22 BLC1 ? backlight cathode for lower screen
TP23 BLA2 ? backlight anode for upper screen
(TP24, TP25 don't exist)
TP26 BLC2 ? backlight cathode for upper screen
(TP27 doesn't exist)
TP28 ? ? ? (found no connections. TODO!)
TP29 ? ? ? (found no connections. TODO!)
TP30 SPRP analog positive signal for right built-in speaker
TP31 SPRN analog negative signal for right built-in speaker
TP32 SPLP analog positive signal for left built-in speaker
TP33 SPLN analog negative signal for left built-in speaker
TP34 GND (GND) probably analog ground
TP35 SR analog headphone tip
TP36 SL analog headphone ring
(TP37, TP38 don't exist)
TP39 ORANGE 3V3? 4V2? (at anode) Orange LED charging indicator
TP40 BLUE 3V3? 4V2? (at anode) Blue LED power good indicator
TP41 RED open collector (connected to LED cathode) Red LED battery low indicator
TP42 MC1_D7 3V3 MSB of gamecard parallell ROM *or* AUXSPI COPI signal
TP43 MC1_D6 3V3 6th bit of gamecard parallell ROM *or* AUXSPI CIPO signal
TP44 MC1_VCC 3.3V power power supply to gamecard (can be switched off by SoC)
(TP45 doesn't exist)
TP46 MC1_D5 3V3
TP47 MC1_D4 3V3
TP48 MC1_D3 3V3
TP49 MC1_DET 3V3 Cartridge detected in slot (active-low)
TP50 MC1_D2 3V3
TP51 MC1_IREQ 3V3 gamecart->SoC IRQ
TP52 MC1_D1 3V3
TP53 MC1_RES 3V3 SoC->gamecart reset signal
TP54 MC1_D0 3V3
TP55 MC1_CS 3V3 parallell ROM select (active-low)
TP56 MC1_CLK 3V3
TP57 MC1_CS2 3V3 AUXSPI select (active-low)
TP58 mRST 3V3 BP-UTL reset (active-low)
TP59 mFE 3V3 BP-UTL flash enable (cf. 78K0/Kx2 Serial Flash Programming protocol, see NEC/Renesas docs)
TP60 VOLP 3V3 volume + button (also RxD6 for 78K0 SFP)
TP61 VOLN 3V3 volume - button (also TxD6 for 78K0 SFP)
TP62 ATH_TX_H 3V3 something new (Atheros) wifi?
TP63 WL_TXPE 3V3 ?
(TP64 doesn't exist)
TP65 WL_RXPE 3V3 ?
TP66 /WIFI_RST 3V3 WiFi chip(s) reset (active-lw)
(TP67, TP68 don't exist)
(TP70 doesn't exist)
(TP72 doesn't exist)
TP73 SPI_SCK 3V3 SPI bus
(TP74, TP75 don't exist)
TP76 SPI_CS1 3V3 SPI chip select 1 (PMIC)
(TP77 doesn't exist)
TP78 SPI_CS3 3V3 SPI chip select 3 (TSC)
TP79 SPI_CS2 3V3 SPI chip select 2 (NVRAM)
TP80 SCL 1V8 TWL bus
(TP81 doesn't exist)
TP82 SDA 1V8 TWL bus
TP83 PENIRQ 1V8? 3V3? touchscreen pen down
TP84 R7 1V8? hinge magnet detect signal (active-low)
TP85 RESET 3V3, but use as open drain/collector CPU-TWL reset signal
TP86 P05 3V3? dpad left button
TP87 P04 3V3? dpad right button
TP88 P03 3V3? start button
TP89 P02 3V3? select button
TP90 P01 3V3? B button
TP91 P00 3V3? A button
TP92 PM_SLP ? ?
TP93 VCNT5 ? ?
TP94 maybe GPIO330? 3V3? ?
TP95 R01 ? Y button
TP96 R00 ? X button
TP97 P09 3V3 shoulder-L button
TP98 P08 3V3 shoulder-R button
TP99 MUTE 3V3 ? (aka GPIO333?)
TP100 P07 3V3? dpad down button
TP101 HP#SP 3V3 audio out is headphones (1) or speakers (0). aka GPIO331
TP102 P06 3V3? dpad up button
(TP103 doesn't exist)
TP104 ? (maybe nIRQ_O) 3V3? (nIRQ_O is the "powerbutton pressed" signal from the BPTWL to the CPU-TWL SoC. aka GPIO332)
TP105 LDR20 top LCD R.bit0
TP106 LDR21 top LCD R.bit1
TP107 LDR22 top LCD R.bit2
TP108 LDR23 top LCD R.bit3
TP109 LDR24 top LCD R.bit4
TP110 LDB21 top LCD B.bit1
TP111 LDG21 top LCD G.bit1
TP112 LDG22 top LCD G.bit2
TP113 LDG25 top LCD G.bit5
TP114 LDB20 top LCD B.bit0
TP115 LDB23 top LCD B.bit3
TP116 LDR11 bottom LCD R.bit1
TP117 LDR12 bottom LCD R.bit4
TP118 LDR15 bottom LCD R.bit5
TP119 LDR25 top LCD R.bit5
TP120 LDG20 top LCD G.bit2
TP121 LDG23 top LCD G.bit3
TP122 LDG24 top LCD G.bit4
TP123 LDB22 top LCD B.bit2
TP124 LDB24 top LCD B.bit4
TP125 LDB25 top LCD B.bit5
TP126 LDR10 bottom LCD R.bit0
TP127 LDR13 bottom LCD R.bit3
TP128 LDR14 bottom LCD R.bit4
TP129 LDG10 bottom LCD G.bit0
TP130 LDG11 bottom LCD G.bit1
TP131 LDG12 bottom LCD G.bit2
TP132 LDG13 bottom LCD G.bit3
TP133 LDG15 bottom LCD G.bit5
TP134 LDB11 bottom LCD B.bit1
TP135 LDG14 bottom LCD G.bit4
TP136 LDB10 bottom LCD B.bit0
TP137 ? ? ?
TP138 LDB12 bottom LCD B.bit2
TP139 LDB13 bottom LCD B.bit3
TP140 LDB14 bottom LCD B.bit4
TP141 LDB15 bottom LCD B.bit5
TP142 VDD5 or VSHD 5.0V power rail VDD5 and VSHD are the same net
TP143 GSP LCD controller Vsync?
TP144 VDD5 or VSHD 5.0V power rail VDD5 and VSHD are the same net
TP145 REV LCD controller ?
TP146 LS LCD controller Hsync?
TP147 SPL LCD controller ?
TP148 DCLK LCD controller dot clock
TP149 CAM_RST 1V8? Camera reset signal
TP150 COM1
(TP151 doesn't exist)
TP152 CAM_D4 1V8? Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA7, 270Ω)
TP153 HSYNC 1V8? Camera horizontal sync/blank (conn. thru R133, 0Ω) (Aptina MT9V133-D LINE_VALID, active-low)
TP154 CAM_D3 1V8? Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA6, 270Ω)
TP155 VSYNC 1V8? Camera vertical sync/blank (conn. thru R132, 0Ω) (Aptina MT9V133-D FRAME_VALID, active-low)
TP156 CKI 1V8? Camera clock something? (Aptina MT9V133-D EXTCLK? PIXCLK?)
TP157 CAM_D2 1V8? Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA6, 270Ω)
TP158 CAM_D7 1V8? Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA7, 270Ω)
TP159 CAM_D1 1V8? Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA6, 270Ω)
TP160 X+ ? touchscreen
TP161 Y+ ? touchscreen
TP162 X- ? touchscreen, same net as Y-
TP163 Y- ? touchscreen, same net as X-
TP164 CAM_D6 1V8? Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA7, 270Ω)
TP165 CAM_D0 1V8? Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA6, 270Ω)
TP166 RCLK 1V8? Camera (conn. thru R100, 100Ω) (Aptina MT9V133-D EXTCLK? PIXCLK?)
TP167 CAM_D5 1V8? Camera parallell port (conn. thru RA7, 270Ω)
TP168 VDD28 2.8V power rail Only used by the camera. Generated by an LDO (U12) from VDD33 (Aptina MT9V133-D analog power rail?)
(TP169 doesn't exist)
TP170 CAM_LED Camera LED cathode? Connected through Q13 and R68 to BPTWL.
TP171 ? ? ?
TP172 SD10_CLK 3V3 SD card
TP173 SD10_D0 3V3 SD card
TP174 SD10_D1 3V3 SD card
TP175 SD10_D2 3V3 SD card
TP176 SD10_D3 3V3 SD card
TP177 SD10_CMD 3V3 SD card
TP178 SD10_CP 3V3 SD card (card detect)
TP179 SD10_WP 3V3 SD card write protect
TP180 GND ground
(TP181 doesn't exist)
TP182 SD10_VDD 3.3V power rail same net as VDD33

[more TODO]

UTL-SUB-01 testpoints

number name (TWL testpoint) voltage standard comment
TP1 ? ? to TH1 component
TP2 GND (GND) ground
TP3 P06 3V3? D-pad up
TP4 P04 3V3? D-pad right
TP5 P05 3V3? D-pad left
TP6 P07 3V3? D-pad down
TP7 PWSW ? raw powerbutton input (to PMIC and BPTWL)
TP8 RED open collector (at cathode) Battery low LED (DL1)
TP9 YELLOW open collector (at cathode) WiFi indicator LED (DL4)
TP10 BLUE 3V3? 4V2? (at anode) Power on/good LED (DL2)
TP11 ORANGE 3V3? 4V2? (at anode) Charging indicator (DL3)
TP12 VDD42 4.2V power supply Power supply for TP8/TP10 LEDs

P16 pinout

The P16 pinout changed from what it was on the regular DSi. Some nets are now found in P24 instead (see below).

name pin no pin no name
SD10_CLK 7 8 GND
VDD33 9 10 SD10_D0
VDD33 11 12 SD10_D1
GND 13 14 SD10_WP
SD10_CMD 15 16 VDD33
GND 17 18 P08
SD10_D3 19 20 VDD33
SD10_D2 21 22 SD10_CD
GND 23 24 GND
GND 25 26 GND

P24 pinout

P24 is a mezzanine connector for the VOLP/VOLN buttons and the shoulder L button (which were on P16 on the DSi).

name pin no pin no name
N/C 3 4 VOLP
P09 (shoulder-L) 5 6 VOLN
GND 7-13 8-14 GND