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Hello. I am the epic jsa005. Creator of the epic website JSiVi. I assume you want to know more about my epic self, so here you go: My name is Josh, short for Joshua, but I prefer if you call me jsa or jsa005. I live in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. People tend to shorten it to the Britain. See, it saves typing. Lol. Anyway. I know a few programming languages: PHP (this site is coded in it!), HTML (where there's PHP there's almost always HTML), JavaScript (which generally comes with HTML), Java (Yup, really!), .NET 2008/10 and phew, that's it for the moment. Oh, and I like trains. Anyway. I so want one of those sentry turret thingies. You know the big white things with a red eye, looks like it came straight out of Portal... Wait, they DO come straight out of Portal. Rofl. If you don't have Portal, GO GET IT. It's on Steam. About £8. In American terms that's about $9. Cheap, go buy. Now. I'm also a fan of Minecraft. Aren't we all? Anyway, I run a creative server called Minemouth. Try it at, with a bukkit load of plugins. See what I did thar? Lol. We're also 1.4.7 compatible. Winners all-round. And finally, I support the free internet. I mean, who enjoys SOPA? Apart from that lot in the chat at SDK on the 18th of Feb last year. Which included me, FYI. Skunkbot SOPA spamfest. And everyone was ROFLing. A lot. Cya round.