Page history
27 March 2015
19 February 2013
15 June 2011
17 February 2010
4 January 2010
19 September 2009
→‎Convert music to an AAC format using iTunes
→‎Convert music to an AAC format using iTunes
18 August 2009
13 May 2009
20 April 2009
→‎Convert a music to an AAC format compatible with the BonkEnc encoder
→‎Convert a music to an AAC format compatible with iTunes
→‎Convert a music to an AAC format compatible with iTunes
19 April 2009
18 April 2009
→‎Convert a music to an AAC format compatible with the application: -- Dead Link
→‎Convert music to an AAC format compatible with the application
→‎Convert music to an AAC format compatible with the application
→‎Convert musics to an AAC format compatible with the application
→‎Convert musics to an AAC format compatible with the application
→‎Convert musics to an AAC format compatible with the application
→‎Convert musics to an AAC format compatible with the application
→‎Convert musics to an AAC format compatible with the application